Ten Favorite Fandoms of Mine || Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme created by The Broke and the Bookish, where each week a new prompt is discussed. It's a ton of fun, and if you're interested in finding out more/linking up, you can go HERE. This week's topic is all about fandoms, and for this one, I strayed a little bit outside of books, to talk about some of the other things I love but don't talk about a lot on here.
I hope you enjoy!
(no images are mine)

10. Stranger Things
the ONLY THING i want in the new season is for my children to be okay. is that too much to ask.
9. Fantastic Beasts + Where To Find Them
I'm sure somebody will throw something at me for saying this, but I honestly think I like FBAWTFT more than I do Harry Potter. The movie came out during a really hard time for me, and something about it was just so immersive and exactly what I needed at the time to give me a bit of comfort + happiness. I saw it three times in theaters and loved the movie even more every time.
(Also, I adore Eddie Redmayne and Ezra Miller.)
8. Hamilton
I mean, obviously.

7. Doctor Who
More specifically, the Eleventh Doctor. I never really thought I'd get into the show, and I skipped around a lot of seasons before I finally went to Eleven's era, and I fell in love immediately. The show is such a comforting thing to me, and I just adore Matt Smith.
6. Luke Evans
I know this isn't technically a "fandom" but I just really love this little welsh man + all that he does. It felt wrong not to include him as a category.
5. Shades of Magic trilogy (V.E. Schwab)
I don't know what else to say except that the finale made me cry. C R Y.
I don't cry at books. Ever. And yet I finished A Conjuring of Light, closed the book, and then promptly started bawling in bed. Needless to say, the series is absolutely breathtaking, and takes up such a large part of my heart and soul. It's one of those stories that you can't even explain why it's so special and integral to you-- it just is.
4. Supernatural
I used to hate horror stuff/anything even remotely spooky, but as I've gotten older, I've increasingly sought out books with monsters and all manner of eerie stuff. I don't think you can really go anywhere on the internet without hearing about this show, so when I finally caved and signed up for Netflix, this was one of the first things I watched.
and ohhhh, am I obsessed with it now. I absolutely adore this show and all that it includes. The humor is one of my most favorite things, and lord don't get me started on my love for Cas. It's become my favorite tv show, and I just love the Winchester boys to bits.
3. Linkin park
Mike Shinoda is my second* favorite famous person in this world, and tbh, that's all you really need to know. This band is my everything, their music is phenomenal, and I am just one smol emotional bean when it comes to the group.
*see #6
2. All For the Game Trilogy (Nora Sakavic)
In case you're new- hello, I'm Adaline, and there are few things in this world that I love more than a.) this trilogy, b.) Neil Josten, and c.) Andrew Minyard. This thing is my ALL TIME FAVORITE series, and I scream about it frequently enough that I've made several others read it (*waves sheepishly at ellie + rey*). I still can't wrap my head around how brilliant this series is, and how few have read it. It's my everything and I love it to bits, okay.
1. The Lord of the Rings + Hobbit films
I love the books, too, of course, but the movies have always been where it's at for me. Fetus me was absolutely mesmerized seeing the first Hobbit film in theaters, and since then it's been a constant obsession and love with Peter Jackson's Middle Earth films. I can't even tell you how much I adore all the behind the scenes stuff, and the cast is not only my favorite group of people, but actors who led me to falling in love with other films and things that they'd either been in, or talked about. The films are such a comfort to me, and the fandom itself is incredibly sweet, + these movies (and books) will always be the fandom I hold dearest.
There we have it! Ten fandoms that I absolutely love. Of course, there's thousands of others that I'm in, but these are definitely my favorites. ^-^
LET'S CHAT. Tell me all about the fandoms you're in! Are you into any of the things I am?? What's your favorite tv show or movie? Let me know everything down below!
You're in so many different amazing fandoms :-)
ReplyDeleteI still haven't read A Conjuring of Light yet, but I'm excited to read it soon!
And I want to see the new season of Stranger Things, so badly!
haha, thank you!! ^-^
Deleteoh my god, i hope you enjoy it! it's such a wild ride and i absolutely adored the conclusion. <3
SAME. here's hoping everything works out (partially) well.
xx a
I love this list! I'm also in Stranger Things and Supernatural! Yeah, I really wish the children (and parents!) will be okay in the next season!
ReplyDeleteahh, high five for being fandom buddies!! ^-^
Deletexx a
Yes on Supernatural, and I love seeing Neil and Andrew on someone's list! I almost put them on mine too, but I only just read the books a few weeks ago so I thought maybe it was too early to add them. That series is like an addiction!
ReplyDeletethe foxhole court is just fantastic, isn't it?? i read them near the end of last year, and i'm trying not to go ahead and reread them so soon. they're definitely addictive. <3
Deletethanks for stopping by + commenting!
xx a
SUPERNATURAL THO. *hugs it* That was my "first" ever fandom I think??! I'd never watched a TV series before that and I was so obsessed I just...I cannot even with how much I love it. I'm not caught up on S12 though but I need to do that if my TBR will release me from it's evil reign.😂 And yessss Stranger Things! I need to finish S1 too. Haha...can we tell I don't like finishing things?😂 Also A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC THOUGH. Any time I see hilarious text posts like that I just lose it. I love it so much. Kell is an adorable little crab apple and Rhy is a ball of sparkle and Holland needs a hug and that would probably start another war all over again. *cries because Holland* PERFECT BOOK IS PERFECT.
ReplyDeleteIT'S THE BEST. i'm a few seasons behind because i just started it a few months ago, but i'm trying my best to catch up as quickly as i can. those winchester boys are just my favorite thing ever. <3
DeleteI RELATE SO MUCH. there's so many series i've started and have yet to finish. and i'm interested in them??? but i never get very far with them lmao.
OKAY BUT THE PART WITH HOLLAND AT THE END WAS WHEN I STARTED BAWLING. i mean, like the ugly, wheezing, kind of crying. my precious boy ahh. ;_;
xx a
I JUST WATCHED STRANGER THINGS (at that sleepover with my crush) A COUPLE WEEKENDS AGO, AHHH. I still have a couple episodes to go, but when I finish them, I'll definitely run laden with feels and theories to you. I should finish fairly soon as I just finished binging an incredible anime called Karneval last night and can now resume my other shows.
ReplyDeleteREDMAYNE IS SUCH A BEAN. Have you seen the 2012 Les Mis movie? As unbelievable as it is, he may be more of a bean in that than he is in FBAWTFT. As for FBAWTFT vs. HP, I mayyyyy prefer FBAWTFT?? But only one movie has come out for that, whereas there are eight movies, seven books, and a ton of spinoffs for HP. So I feel that for me it's a little early to judge. Maybe it's just that since there's more HP stuff, there's inevitably more stuff that I dislike. Conversely, there's also more stuff that I like - because, ya know, there's more stuff to begin with. (That was quite incoherent, sorry XD)
NGL I'm slightly shocked you have Luke Evans and not the Hedgehog XD
CAS. OH MY G O D. How far are you?? I'm just starting season 8, but Reagan got obsessed with it a full year before I did, and I let her spoil everything because I thought I'd never watch it. XD So we can still discuss even if you're farther.
Hello, I'm Ellie, and I was thoroughly decomposed into AFTG trash thanks to Adaline. XD I'm 75% convinced you should join Tumblr just for the small AFTG fandom on there, tbh. I think you'd love a ton of the content, and you'd have s u c h a time of it with all the aesthetic themes, oh my god.
HELL YEAH LOTR. I've been teaching myself more Elvish of late, and I think you'll be tickled to know (if I haven't mentioned it already) that I now know how to say Eca a mitta lembetya cendelessë orcova. AKA, go french kiss an orc.
Besides the perpetual fave (Tolkien) and the recent fave (AFTG), I'm total trash for Durarara!!, Pirates of the Caribbean, Les Mis, The West Wing, and Black Butler.
Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality
FAM WHEN YOU FINISH YOU LET ME KNOW. i'm STILL drowning in feels and i can't wait until halloween. i neeeeed more darnnit.
Deletei haven't!! i've wanted to see it for a while, but never gotten it. i'll definitely have to though!
if there had been one more space, martin would've been up there. but when it comes down to the two of them, i love my boy luke evans far more. :3
CAS CAS CAS. MY FAVORITE DORK. i'm right at the end of season 7 so you're actually ahead of me. xD
i still regret absolutely nOTHING. i would but like... too much social media already. i'd never get stuff done otherwise. xD
oh my god, THANK YOU for that enlightenment. i have to memorize that so i can use it in texts/every day encounters.
YESSSS, POTC. i can't wait for the 5th. <333
xx a
Good list, I also love Hamilton and Doctor Who and Eleven is by far my favorite doctor as well.
ReplyDeleteahh, i'm happy you saw some things on the list that you're into, too!! eleven is the best. <3
Deletethanks for stopping by!
xx a
Can I come join the Luke Evans fandom too? He seems like the nicest guy. And yay, Hamilton! You have so many great choices on your list.
ReplyDeleteof course!! he's such a sweetheart (and he sings !!)
Deletethank you for commenting + stopping by, elen! <3
xx a
I'm reading A Conjuring of Light right now! I love this series so much... :)
ReplyDeleteLauren @ Always Me
ah, i hope you like it!! it's one of the best endings i've read in a while. <3
Deletexx a