Ten Series I've Been Meaning To Start Since the Dawn of Time But Haven't Yet || Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme created by the lovely The Broke and the Bookish, where each week a new prompt is discussed. It's a ton of fun, and if you're interested in finding out more and linking up, you can go HERE. This week's topic is series you've been meaning to start, but haven't yet. It's sad how quickly I was able to think of ten series, not going to lie.
(All cover images from Goodreads)

1.) Bone Season- Samantha Shannon
I'm not even going to talk about how long I've had the first book on my shelves because it's embarrassing and I don't need that kind of shame today. Needless to say, it's been a WHILE, but supposedly the series is going to have seven books and??? I am not ready for that commitment yet??
2.) The Diviners- Libba Bray
My best blogger friend has done nothing but rave about how good this series is, and between the supernatural elements and 1930's setting, I know I'll love the series. I just... need to start it.
3.) Nevernight- Jay Kristoff
Hi, my name is Adaline, and my number one embarrassment in life is still not having picked up this book. I preordered it last August, folks. And it's still sitting on my tbr shelf. Glaring.

4.) Wolf by Wolf- Ryan Graudin
It's only a duology for pete's sake. I have no excuse for this.
5.) Gentleman Bastard- Scott Lynch
This is one of the adult fantasy series I know I'd love. I only need to get over my fear of the 700+ pages, and then I'll be good to go.
6.) Dorothy Must Die- Danielle Paige
I can't seem to find any good Alice In Wonderland retellings, so I've been meaning to try out something different and read this Oz series instead.

7.) Blackhearts- Nicole Castroman
I've been a sucker for Pirates since I was in elementary school. Pirates of the Caribbean is my favorite thing in the world, and I want to read this series asap.
8.) Delirium Trilogy + 9.) Replica Series- Lauren Oliver
I have this thing where I keep buying Lauren Oliver's books because I loved Vanishing Girls by her, and then I end up shoving them aside and reading different books. I could probably devote a whole month to just catching up on all of her books tbh.
10.) The Bronze Horseman- Paullina Simons
So not only are these books fricking MASSIVE, but all I ever hear from people is how emotionally draining and heart-wrenching they are. I've wanted to read the first one for ages but I am s c a r e d okay???
LET'S CHAT! What series have you been meaning to start, but haven't yet? Do you buy books in a series one at a time, or wait until they're all out so you can buy them at once? And what series is your absolute favorite?? TELL ME ALL THE THINGS.
I agree with each and every one of them! Also, I recently bought the Bone Season so I really shouldn't hold it off any longer :D
ReplyDeleteooh, maybe we could buddy-read it someday in the future??
Deletexx a
Haha, I thought of 20 series I had to narrow down. XD So I feel your pain! Nevernight is a "maybe" for me, so I look forward to hearing your thoughts when you do read it. And I think you'll definitely like Locke Lamora (as well as the Amra Thetys series, which is kind of like fem!Locke - have you heard of it? I just bought the first book to read on a road trip today).
ReplyDeleteI rarely buy books if I can help it - usually, I only purchase them if they can't be found at a library. But there are still so many series I have yet to start! Shades of Magic, Magnus Chase, Arc of a Scythe, Chaos Walking....
Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality
okay but SAME.
Deleteit's definitely not something i think i would've picked up at random but jay kristoff is highkey one of my favorite authors so i'm really curious to see how his adult fantasy style is.
i'm reading locke lamora now and i just. *heart eyes*
i haven't heard of that, ahh!! seriously going to have to look that up.
shades of magic is terrific oml. thinking about the ending still makes me start to get sniffly.
xx a
I've read at least the first book in several of these series. I am up-to-date on the Blackhearts series and I love it! The second book is better than the first and I'm excited to see what happens in the third.
ReplyDeleteHappy TTT!
sounds like your much better at starting series than i am. xD
Deleteblackhearts sounds terrific, and i have the first two books in the series so i really have no excuse when it comes to starting them.
thanks for stopping by and commenting!
xx a
GAH I totally buy series one at a time and then I let them STEW UNTIL THEY WANT TO ATTACK ME and read them later(ish). I'm the worst. I've read Wolf by Wolf, and I have Blood for Blood, but I still HAVEN'T READ IT?? WHY IS THIS MY LIFE. aka this is why I'm on a series-finishing-binge at the moment. It's kind of killing me though because SO MANY SERIES FINALES UGH.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what my favorite series is. I believe, as Buddha (i think?) would say, that this is a question wrongly asked ;)
Deletei think buddha is certainly right in this instance. i don't know for certain that i could pick one either. ;)
xx a
I just started reading The Bone Season, it's been decent so far. Quite a few of the other books on your list are also on my TBR.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/20/top-ten-tuesday-112/
i'm glad to hear it's at least halfway okay! i've been intimidated by it forever.
Deletethanks for stopping by and commenting, love! <3
xx a
My friend keeps telling me to read Dorothy Must Die - but I never got around to it?? And thank you for adding more series to my TBR pile, btw.
ReplyDeletePS - I tagged you for a little something on my blog....if you want to check that out.
i've got so many books people have told me to read and that i said i would and still haven't. it's embarrassing and i'm ashamed. I'LL GET TO THEM SOMEDAY THOUGH, I KNOW IT.
Deletehaha, you're welcome!! hopefully you get to them before i do so you can let me know if they're good or not. ;)
xx a
Great choices! I really want to read The Diviners and The Bone Season as well! I have read Nevernight and The Lies of Locke Lamora and I loved them both! I hope you'll enjoy all these books! Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteooh, i'm so happy to hear that you loved nevernight! i've seen a lot of mixed reviews so it's always nice to hear somebody say that they enjoyed it. makes me want to read it even sooner. :)
Deletethanks for commenting and stopping by lynn!!
xx a
Wolf by Wolf is one of my favorite books, so I hope you end up reading it and enjoy it as much as I did. :) Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous choices! <3
ReplyDelete~ Zoe @ Stories on Stage
ahh, i think i may just have to bump that up on the list then and try to get to it in the next few months! i haven't heard a ton about it from other reviewers, so to know that you loved it means a lot.
Deletethanks for always leaving such sweet comments, zoe! <3
xx a